
Terms of Service

Last updated: May 20th, 2023

In addition, if the customer is a minor, please use the applications only after having obtained the consent of the respective parental authority.

Article 1: Services

The smartphone application is an application for smartphones that operates by connecting the Verikey controller with Bluetooth. This smartphone app and web administrator app will be collectively referred to as the service (hereinafter “the service”).

Article 2: Products Supported by the smartphone application

Products supported by the smartphone app means devices equipped with Bluetooth Low Energy of “iOS13 or later” or “AndroidOS 8 or later”.

Article 3: Your Account

Paragraph 1

When you register your information to use the service, you shall provide truthful, accurate, and complete information and must always update this information in case of changes.

Paragraph 2

When you register your account at the start of using the services, the customer shall manage it at your own responsibility and assure that the registered account ID and password are not used illegally. The Company may consider any activity performed by usage of the registered account as activities of your own. You shall assume the responsibility for all activities made using the services based on your account information and the result thereof, and the Company shall not bear any responsibility.

Paragraph 3

You can cancel your membership at any time. You can delete the account by unsubscribing.

Paragraph 4

The Company may suspend or delete your account without notifying you in advance in case you may violate or is violating these terms and conditions.

Paragraph 5

After the termination of the services, the company can delete your account information without notifying you in advance.

Paragraph 6

All usage rights of your service are extinguished when your account is deleted regardless of the reason. Please be aware that account recovery cannot be performed even if you deleted your account by mistake.

Paragraph 7

The service account belongs to you personally and exclusively. You may not transfer, lend or inherit any usage rights of your service to a third party.

Article 4: Collection of Data through the Service

Paragraph 1

At the start of use of this service, all information and contents (hereinafter “this data”) relating to the smartphone application, web administrator application, and your usage are collected and sent to the Company. The Company shall use or store this data in accordance with the provisions of this section, and shall not use it for the purpose of identifying individual customers. However, when conditions are separately presented at the time of use of a specific service and after you agree with the condition, the use or storage of this data may be subject to additional conditions.

  1. Automatically generated ID number of the products related to the service
  2. Operational status of the products related to the service and its constituent parts
  3. Content or configuration data on software related to the products related to the service
  4. Phone number or email address
  5. Access source IP address
  6. Access terminal information
Paragraph 2

The Company may store, use or disclose this data for the following purposes (hereinafter referred to as “the objective”) in accordance with the provisions of the law.

  1. Management of program errors or bugs occurring in using functions and devices of products or devices related to the service
  2. Management of software functions to provide an updated version for products supported by the services
  3. Development and performance improvement of products, software, and services offered by the Company, affiliated companies or third parties
  4. Provision of information on products, software, and services by the Company, its affiliates, or third parties
  5. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations
Paragraph 3

The Company may disclose this data to its affiliates and third parties in accordance with the following conditions.

  1. The Company may share this data with its affiliates for the purpose of the below conditions. A Company’s affiliated company is a corporation in which the Company directly or indirectly has 50% or more of shareholder voting rights (in case the organization is not a corporation, the Company shall have an important influence on the decision of the entity’s business policy).
  2. The Company or its affiliates shall now or in the future may disclose and share information and engage in transactions related to the products related to the services, the services themselves, or contents related to the services.
  3. The Company may hold this data, use it, and disclose it to a third party including police and government agencies in order to protect the rights of third parties or for the investigation of complaints, claims, illegal or criminal acts, or other problematic activities as requested for disclosure from government agencies or to the extent permitted under law.
Paragraph 4

This data may be sent, processed, and stored outside of your country of residence. This data may be processed by the Company outside the country of residence of the customer or by a third party entrusted by the Company. In those countries, if the provisions for data protection and privacy laws are not equivalent to the laws of your country of residence, your rights to this data may be limited. The Company shall take reasonable efforts to maintain proper regulations by taking appropriate technical measures to prevent unauthorized access and leakage of this data. However, the Company shall not guarantee that unauthorized access or data leak will not occur due to such measures and systems.

Paragraph 5

In connection with this Agreement or the use of the service, the Company shall clearly state the kind of information and collection purpose and separately obtain your consent when gathering personal identification data, such as your personal name, address, telephone number, or E-mail address. The Company shall use such data in accordance with the stated conditions when obtaining consent and the Company’s privacy policy. Please refer to https://linough.com/privacypolicy/ for its privacy policy. In addition when using third-party software or services for the provision of data to a third party, please check their own presented privacy policy.

Article 5: Company Disclaimer

Paragraph 1

The Company is neither explicitly nor implicitly responsible nor liable for virtual or legal defects (such as safety, reliability, accuracy, integrity, validity, conformity to specific purposes, security, etc.), errors or bugs in connection to the services (including products). The Company shall not be obligated to provide you with services eliminating such defects.

Paragraph 2

The Company shall not be responsible for any damages caused to you due to its service.

Article 6: Contact method

The Company shall notify you of matters related to the service, such as temporary cancellation of services, by posting it on the website operated by the Company and appropriate channels, such as the smartphone application, and other methods judged to be appropriate by the Company.

Article 7: Loss/misuse

Please be aware that the Company cannot assume any responsibility, even if the Verikey controller is illegally used due to theft, loss, etc., for damages to you through the Service or supported products related to the service.

Article 8: Theft

Please be aware that the company cannot take any responsibility at any time for damages occurring to its customer by theft in the room while using the services.

Article 9: Usage restrictions

The Company may restrict usage of the services without notifying you in advance if deemed necessary.

Article 10: Execution of the Terms

The Company may change these Terms if necessary. In this case, the Company shall notify you by methods deemed appropriate, such as its website, etc. After the notification, the changed contents shall be applied unless otherwise stipulated.

Article 11: Temporary suspension of the services

Paragraph 1

The Company may suspend the provision of all or part of the services in the following cases without notifying or informing you in advance.

  1. For maintenance or inspection of systems related to the services
  2. In the event that the services cannot be provided due to accidents, such as fire/power failure, natural disasters, such as earthquakes/floods, war, riots or labor disputes, etc.
  3. In case the services cannot be provided due to a system failure related to the services, etc.
  4. In case the Company determines that temporary interruption of the services is necessary due to operational or technical inevitability.
Paragraph 2

The Company shall not assume any responsibility for the damages to you or a third party according to the above cases unless otherwise specified in this Terms.

Article 12: Change, addition, and abolition of the services

Paragraph 1

The Company may change, add or abolish all or part of the services without prior notice or dissemination to you due to operational reasons.

Paragraph 2

In the event that the Company determines that the change, addition, or abolition of the whole or a part of the services will have a serious impact on the customer, the Company shall inform you in advance, in accordance with Article 6 of this Terms on the contents of such change, addition or abolition. The Company will not bear any responsibility for relating damages caused to customers or third parties.

Article 13: Governing Law

The applicable law concerning the Terms is Japanese law.

Article 14: Jurisdiction

The Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive agreement jurisdiction court of the first instance in case of need for litigation in connection with the services and this agreement between you and the Company.

Style Inc. is located at:

2F,3-5-1 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo – 1010047, Japan